
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Welcome to my blog!

Or should I say, welcome to myself to the world of blogging... since I'm the only reading it right now.

Let me start off by saying that my life isn't very unusual.  It's pretty typical.  I am a young, 25-year-old wife and mother.  My husband is Eric and my daughter, currently 14 months old is Anna.  I work full-time as an educator and generally love what I do.  I don't love being away from my peanut, who is constantly doing something fun and new at this age. 

Oh, and we live on a farm.  Family and friends reading this blog (some day) will know what that means.  For everyone else, suffice it to say that my husband and immediate family is super busy day in and day out.  Farming is challenging, and the type of farming we do (dairy) is a 7 days a week, long hours a day, kind of job.  But Eric loves it, and I love the lifestyle having grown up with it.  And I hope that Anna will love it too one day, although I am sure she will hate it at times when the farm interferes with her busy social schedule.

So why write a blog?  I've been reading a few blogs here and there and I enjoy learning from another person's perspective.  I hope that you will find it interesting, too.  I am also thinking that a blog will be therapeutic and invigorating for me.  Somewhere to put my thoughts down and hone my sense of direction. 

So welcome, friends!  I think that this blog is probably 90% for me and 10% for you, but you are welcome to a glimpse of my ordinary life...

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