
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Anna's Third Birthday Party

Anna turned three on June 15th.  It was a beautiful day.

She got a bicycle for her birthday.

I went overboard with the fish-themed food.  I made fish in nets (click for recipe).
We had a goldfish "bar" with five different kinds of goldfish.
I made blue punch (or my sister Julia did), and blue jello with gummy fish in it.  Couldn't resist the swedish fish and gummy worms.  Have you guessed what the them was yet?
For favors for the girls, I put together dollar store sand buckets with chalk, sunglasses, and bubbles.

Her cake was an m&m cake (white with chocolate frosting and m&m's on top with cookie sticks around the outside) surrounded by cupcake fish. 

The next morning, she had a great time playing with all of her new dolls and toys. 
Happy Birthday Anna!

Little Red Wagon

I love how nostalgic a little red wagon is.  I had one growing up.  Maybe you did too.  Anna and Clara have been taking quite a few rides around the farm in their little red wagon.  This ride culminated in a stop at the garden, where Eric was rototilling.

Rolling a dandelion in her hands, the wind in her hair... this photo is too beautiful!
Nap time anyone?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Photo Bomb!

A photo bomb, if you have never heard of one, is where you drop a bunch of photos with minimal text.  Here are several photos from one of the first nice days this spring, where the girls were able to play with their new outdoor toys, including their little play house.  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Planting the Garden

Our 2013 garden is our fifth garden.  This year seemed later than others due to the weather and general busy-ness.  Anna was a great helper this year!
Clara mostly watched, either from the little red wagon, or from a nice blanket at the edge.  I admit that I did more watching and picture taking than helping.  In fact, let's be honest.  Eric does everything with the garden.  I just watch and later, during harvest, I cook and preserve.
Anna helped to plant green beans this evening.  The sky kept threatening to storm, but it held off.
She's very hard at work!

Yes, watching is quite nice.
I love this picture of Anna holding a big old handful of bean seeds. 
And I love this farm girl t-shirt.  "Anything Boys Can Do I Can Do Better."
Just by observing daddy, she learned how to line the bean seeds up in a row.  And poke them into the ground.  We may have beans coming up in the spinach row...

Clara decides to venture off of the blanket to the garden edge.  Not too sure of the grass/dirt textures yet, but she'll get there!
When our two black barn kitties came to visit, Anna was overjoyed.
Bye, Bye, and Good Night Garden!

What a wonderful May evening!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Clara's First Birthday!


Clara turned one on May 8th.  Thinking back to this day in 2012 and some momentous occasions throughout her first year, a few memories come to mind. 
I cried during delivery, something I didn't do when Anna was born because I was only vaguely aware of what was happening to me during my first delivery.  The emotions in general were much stronger with her, maybe because I felt like I'd had taken my mommy training wheels off and was learning how to cruise along in the newborn department. 

Holding Clara and cuddling with her alone during the two nights at the hospital were beautiful.  Trying to juggle two little ones that first summer, I remember Anna falling asleep on my feet as I was nursing Clara because she wanted some mommy cuddle time.  All of a sudden, time flashed and she learned how to scoot on her bottom to get places.  And she's still scooting today.
Clara's first birthday party was a lot of fun. We did a ladybug theme.  We invited 50 people to our house.  I was counting on being able to enjoy the outdoors, but it was 40 degree weather for most of May, so we were packed into our house.  Despite this, I wouldn't have changed a thing. 

I found really cute ladybug ideas on pinterest.  I made a ladybug cake.  It was a round cake with red frosting.  Purchased tube black frosting outlined the body of the ladybug, and mint candies made the spots.  For the eyes I pushed mini marshmallows into the frosting and put a dot of the black frosting on it.  I frosted cupcakes with green frosting and put little flower candies on them to dress them up.  We barely had enough cake and cupcakes to feed everyone, but it turned out really cute.

For favors I made oreo ladybugs.  I also found this idea on pinterest.  You dip oreos in melting chocolate.  First in the regular brown chocolate and apply the candy eyes while it is wet, then after it dries (hardens) you dip the sides into the red melting chocolate. 

I found that if you pop them in the fridge on a cookie sheet for a few minutes you can speed the process up.  After the red chocolate dried, I used toothpicks to put the dots on the bugs.  By the way, I'd had my gallbladder out the Monday prior to her birthday, so I was home to do all of the party prep.  And I had help from my mom!

My brother-in-law Travis had access to an inflatable bouncy house, so we had that running despite the cold weather.  The girls loved it!

Clara was pretty tired out by the time it was time to do the cake, so she didn't enjoy the process as much as I'd hoped.  She poked it a little and ate maybe a bite or two. 

She perked up when it came to the presents, but Anna probably had more fun opening presents than she did.  And Anna continues to have challenges sharing Clara's toys, but that is another story.

A big thank you to all of our family who came, helped, and shared with us little Clara Bug's first birthday!